Sunday, September 18, 2011

    Smack on the lips

    On my quad biking experience at Areena Riverside Resort during the Mini vs Maxi experience I met Abby.  Not being very tall myself, I've never really been into tall girls.  Not that I disapprove of their long legs and lanky bodies, just that I always preferred somebody about my length. 

    When we encountered Abby she seemed to take a liking in me and immediately came closer.   Ed, Areena's owner, suggested that I blow in her nose and, thinking that its a way to deter her, I did so.  Deter her, it did not. She nuzzled me and planted a kiss smack on my lips.

    With her big eyes and sexy eye lashes, who can resist this face?  Her nose is a bit big though, but I'm not judging. 

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