Thursday, January 10, 2013

    Straw People at Affie Plaas

    Anybody who has driven along the R60 between Swellendam and Worcester cannot in good faith claim that they haven't seen the family of straw people next to the road just outside Robertson.  I put it like that cause there is just no way that you can miss the 3 meter high Mr and Mrs Straw with their kids next to the road.  So what are they doing there?  They're a gimmick to draw attention to the Affie Plaas farm stall.

    Affie Plaas is a very popular spot along the road and here you will find anything from home made eats to handmade craft and wines.  This is a wine producing region after all.  There is fresh bread, farm butter, pies, milk tarts, goat's milk fudge and many other yummy things on sale.  Unfortunately they don't allow visitors to take photos inside the shop (which you are reminded of by signs on the shelves every two steps) so I can't really show you any of these goodies. 

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