Saturday, August 18, 2012

    Avalon Springs

    When we went to Montagu at the end of last year the first thing people asked was if we were going to go to the hot water springs.  The hot water springs at Avalon Springs is probably the best known attraction in Montagu and it gets thousands of visitors every year.  We weren't particularly planning to but decided to check it out.  The pools at complex are fed by a 43ºC thermal spring originating roughly 2km's under ground and pumped to the various pools in such a way that they all differ in temperature, thus catering for everyone's needs.

    There are various Khoi (Bushman) drawings on rocks and in caves around Montagu so its probably safe to say that the springs were known to the early inhabitants of the area for a long time.  The springs were "discovered" by white farmers in the late 1700's and after a farmer's injured hand was healed after repeatedly bathing in the water the word started to spread.  People started coming from all over the country (and world) to experience this natural wonder for themselves.

    Since 1982, the springs have been part of the Avalon Springs Spa Resort Hotel and whilst the process of getting here, as well as the levels of luxury enjoyed by visitors from far and wide, are much improved since 200 years ago, the springs are as natural and perfect as they have always been.

    The Kidz really enjoyed the pools and especially Drama Princess had a ball on the slides and super tube.  We are going back to Montagu at the end of the year for another 10 day holiday and the kids are already asking if we will be visiting the hot springs again.

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