Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    Random around the Knysna Heads

    I still have a couple of odd pictures from our last visit to Knysna which I haven't posted, most of them taken around the Knysna Heads.  Thus I decided to do a "Random ..." post featuring pictures take around the Heads.

    The view from the top of the Heads is amazing and this is where most tourists visiting Knysna would come for a couple of pictures.  In the picture is a catamaran as well as a helicopter both doing sightseeing trips through the Heads.

    The afternoon sun glittering on the Knysna Lagoon as seen from Coney Glen Beach side of the Heads.

    Another picture from Coney Glen Beach with the afternoon sun disappearing behind the cliff

    The beacon on the rocks at the Eastern Head is one of two beacons (the other one is on Leisure Isle) that are used by boats to navigate through the dangerous entrance of the Heads into the Knysna Lagoon.

    Sunset across the Knysna Lagoon from the top of the Heads

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