Monday, October 31, 2011

    Big bull elephant

    A game drive anywhere in the Addo Elephant National Park, even if its in one of the concession areas and on the other side of the mountain, isn't complete without actually seeing an elephant.  So I was understandably getting a bit anxious when we were more than halfway though our morning game drive at Kuzuko and hadn't seen any yet.  But suddenly as if out of nowhere this big, well more like huge, bull made his appearance.

    He appeared out of the bush and started ambling down the road towards us, not showing any sighs that he will divert from his coarse.  The ranger started backing away and reversed down a side path to allow him more than enough space to pass ahead of us. 

    Not a thank you from him.  Not even a proper side way glance.  He just moseyed along.  But that's probably your right and privilege if you're his size.

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