Tuesday, September 6, 2011

    Sunset at the Kranse

    When you visit somewhere new its always good to do your homework before hand about what there is to see and I rarely go anywhere without doing so.  But knowing that East London based tour operator Neil Lyon was on the Mini team for the Mini vs Maxi challenge I didn't really bother too much and trusted that he would show us some of the hidden gems on our route.  And he didn't disappoint.

    After our canoe trip on the tidal lagoon Neil suggested that we grab a couple of drinks and head up the Kranse just to the west of Morgan Bay.  The sponsored VW Polo easily made it up the last bit of two wheel track that took us to the top of the Kranse.  The Wild Coast is known for its dramatic coastline, most of which consist of rolling green hills that end in cliffs down to the Indian Ocean.  This was no different and I kept on thanking Neil for bringing the team up to this spectacular spot.

    The perfect way with the perfect backdrop to end a perfect first day of the Mini vs Maxi challenge.

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