Monday, September 12, 2011

    "Barefoot on the Beach" at Cintsa

    On Friday morning Max and I made drove from Port Elizabeth to Cintsa near East London for the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency's launch of Tourism Month.  We both had to go and make short presentations at the function about our participation in the Mini vs Maxi Adventure across the Eastern Cape which I am currently posting about. 

    The theme for the function was "Barefoot on the beach" and it was hosted on the beach at the beautiful seaside town of Cintsa just east of East London.  Cintsa has a beautiful stretch of white sandy beach with a big tidal lagoon which I imagine is very popular during the summer.

    The entertainment for the day included a fire dancer as well as traditional music provided by the team of African Drumbeat.

    I found the fusion style used by African Drumbeat very interesting.  They were asked to give their entertainment a tropical beach / Caribbean feel mixed with African sounds and rhythms and I think they more than succeeded in what they did.

    The formalities of the function took place in a big marquee tent on the beach, but after lunch our table decided to get some fresh air and decided to move, table and all, outside.  This did turn a couple of heads as I'm sure other people were sorry for not thinking of it as well.  The theme was barefoot on the beach after all.  Shortly after Max and I had to head back as the 350km trip back didn't allow us to mingle too late.  Wish we could have stayed longer though.

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