Friday, August 19, 2011

    Biodiversity Garden

    With Table Mountain National Park and all the other natural spaces around the city, Cape Town is a world class biodiversity hotspot.  Thus I wasn't very surprised when I heard that the city has developed a Biodiversity Garden at the new Green Point Park next to the Cape Town Stadium.  I boded my time and made my way down to the park at the first opportunity I had when I was in the city.

    The park is a showcase for the biodiversity of not just Cape Town, but also the rest of the province of the Western Cape and has set out to create awareness about the importance of the Cape's unique biodiversity and how to manage it appropriately.  The one section is Khoi Khoi inspired and features huts and other Khoi related displays.

    The Biodiversity Trail answers questions like "What is Biodiversity?", "What is so special about the Cape?" and "What are the threats to Biodiversity?"  What is nice is that the information isn't just written on info boards, but is also intertwined into the garden itself.  The picture above representing the threats to biodiversity which amongst others are agriculture, fire and development.

    Mmmm.... I forgot my fishing rod.  Would have been nice taking home a beaded fish...

    There are quite a few animal related displays (obviously not real animals though) as part of the garden as well.  Specially the snakes make one look twice just to make sure it wouldn't come your way.

    Even beaded sun birds can't resist a brightly colours flower, in this case a red hot poker.

    We are heading down to Cape Town for our summer holiday at the end of the year and I can't wait to go and show the family the garden.  The Rugrats would love it.

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